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93% of foster youth want to go to college but most can't afford to. Our Pivotal scholarship opens the door to a world of possibility. 


We don't like debt.

Our goal is for foster youth to earn their college degree debt-free. When our students graduate from college, they don’t have the luxury of going home to live with their parents. They have to support themselves, and having debt makes that hard. Our coaches work closely with students to ensure they apply for and receive the maximum financial aid they’re eligible for as foster youth. 

We offer community college students a $3,000 Pivotal scholarship to help offset expenses such as tuition, books, school supplies, room & board, transportation, food or other needed items for school. For our students at 4-year colleges, universities, or private vocational programs, we offer a $5,000 scholarship. 

Read about how a Pivotal scholarship kept Alicia's love of learning alive.