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Our coaches are rock stars who understand what it means to be in foster care. They know how to work with young people who've experienced childhood trauma and are experts at guiding them towards education and employment success.  

We ignite change. 

Pivotal coaches are highly trained at using a counseling approach called Motivational Interviewing to spark change in young people. It takes into consideration how difficult it can be to make life changes. We don't tell youth what to do. Instead, our coaches get to know each one and listen to them describe the life they want for themselves. They help young people stick to their plan for success and stay focused on their future. 

We lift them up. 

Young people from foster care benefit from having someone who is committed to their success and lifts them up on dark days.  Our coaches care about each youth they work with and show them what it feels like to have someone in their corner. They model compassion and accountability so that youth learn to be the authors of their own stories. 


High School Coaches
Meet the Coaches_High School_Adam
Meet the Coaches_High School_Daisy
Meet the Coaches_High School_Dazzy
Meet the Coaches_High School_Laura
Meet the Coaches_High School_Ana
Meet the Coaches_HighSchool_SarahR
Meet the Coaches_HighSchool_Saoirse
Meet the Coaches_HighSchool_Heladia
Meet the Coaches_High School_Miguel
Post-Secondary Coaches
Meet the Coaches_Post Secondary_Brian
Meet the Coaches_Post Secondary_Kayla
Meet the Coaches_PostSecondary_Monica
Meet the Coaches_Post Secondary_Sarah
Meet the Coaches_Post Secondary_Nate
Meet the Coaches_Post Secondary_Stacy
Intern Coaches
Meet the Coaches_High School_I_Hannah
Meet the Coaches_High School_I_Marina
Meet the Coaches_High School_I_Troy
Meet the Coaches_High School_I_Tara
Meet the Coaches_High School_I_Viviane

My Pivotal coach shows up for me. Nobody has ever done that for me. Ever.

Pivotal Scholar


We acknowledge trauma. 

Every young person in foster care has experienced mild or severe trauma. Our coaching team is highly trained in trauma-informed care, a branch of counseling that acknowledges the effects of trauma. We help youth build resilience, and change the behaviors that hold them back from success so they can focus on their future.


We know their rights. 

Our coaches understand the foster care system and the rights high school and college-age youth are entitled to. They are well-connected youth advocates with expert knowledge of graduation requirements at every high school and community college in Silicon Valley.  Our coaches are always trying to open doors for young people and guide them to resources that will yield the most mileage. 

Read about some of the community resources our young people need.